

Nov. 3 - Industry donates $4.6M during 2020 campaign cycle; vast majority to Republicans


Daily Dive

Nov.​ 3,​ 2020 | Today's news and insights for waste and recycling leaders

Note from the editor

A major focus in my reporting at Waste Dive has been contamination from per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), and how the waste industry is grappling with their disposal. Last month, we published a three-part series looking at how the landfill, incinerator and organics sectors are approaching this complex and challenging issue.

This coming Friday at 8:30 a.m. ET, my colleague Cole Rosengren and I will be discussing that series and the broader issues PFAS pose for the U.S. waste industry. You can register for the event here — please feel free to come join us and bring any questions you might have

E.A. Crunden
Reporter, Waste Dive
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