

Top Higher Ed Trends of 2020

Top Trends of 2020
It's impossible to separate out the pandemic from the trends that dominated higher education this year.

Forced online overnight, schools fell headfirst into online learning. Sources told us time and again that the sector advanced a decade in the span of a few weeks. The test-optional movement also got a jolt as exam site closures pushed colleges to make the SAT and ACT optional for a year or two.

A few other trends stood out. Colleges continued to adapt courses to include employer-recognized credentials. Some also sought to make their curriculum more inclusive following the nationwide racial reckoning this summer. And even before the pandemic, online-only colleges had begun enrolling more younger students.

2020 was a year like no other. And Higher Ed Dive was there trying to make sense of it all. To help support this crucial journalism and keep our industry-specific content free, we kindly ask that you consider sharing our newsletter with your colleagues and industry peers. Send them this link to get them subscribed to the newsletter: https://www.highereddive.com/signup/insiders/?signup_referred_by=5f93078d7aa51972095c9316.

Thanks for reading,

Hallie Busta
Senior Editor, Higher Ed Dive
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