| With this free guide, conducting a successful survey is easy. | | | | It's no secret that, in many US cities, public transportation leaves much to be desired. In an age when it's possible to order most household items straight to your door at the touch of a button, there's no reason why millions of Americans shouldn't have access to reliable transportation. That's why we've created a free guide showing you how to evaluate your community's transit needs and then craft a plan of action informed by quantitative and qualitative feedback from residents. Our work is grounded in real survey data collected from other US cities where Via operates thriving transit networks. Join us in building the future of urban transportation. | | Thank you, Marcos Marcos Dymond Via Partnerships Powering Public Mobility.™ M: +1 (617) 850-5691 | | Our company. Via is reshaping public transit, from a rigid system of fixed routes and schedules to a technology-enabled, on-demand transit network. Discover how microtransit can build better transportation in your community. Learn more. | | | |
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