March 15, 2021 | Today's news and insights for tech leaders It's still too soon to know the hack's full impact on IT, but so far, security experts report changing relationships with third-party vendors. | Most industrial companies have adopted cloud computing, but few "reap the cloud's full rewards," according to McKinsey. | Column Remote work sustained businesses over the last year of the pandemic. But videoconferencing drains the workforce and work hours spill into early mornings and evenings. | A comprehensive guide for migrating to efficient, agile systems from project to program. | No matter the aftermath, a full return to the old ways seems unlikely. | Featured Resources FROM: Vertex, Inc. | Migrate Your Tax Processes to the Cloud | | From Our Library View all resources What We're Reading Reuters | The New York Times | Forbes | ZDNet | Upcoming Event March 16, 2021 - March 16, 2021 | Webinar 2pm ET | Company Announcements Press releases from companies in your industry. Press release from tigerlab | Post a press release Dive Into a Topic |