

April 14 - Where hybrid work can't work | Emerging tech's gradual rollout


Daily Dive

April​ 14,​ 2021 | Today's news and insights for tech leaders

Note from the editor

Widespread remote and budding hybrid operations have a critical flaw: There are sectors where it simply won't work.

Power plant workers checking for signs of rust on a screw can't do their job through a videoconference. And there aren't (yet) collaboration platforms that can help construction workers put up load-bearing walls.

As organizations build hybrid work models, risks of a disconnect loom, as some employees can work under a hybrid model and others can't. Two large constituencies — one operating mostly out of the office or plant and another on site — must seamlessly learn to collaborate for operations to thrive.

Part of that tension is falling on IT, with leaders using tech tools and policies to respond to the challenges. Read our latest deep dive, which digs into the obstacles awaiting hybrid work long term, and how industries are responding.

What obstacles have you run across while enabling hybrid work in your organization? How have you solved for them? Email me here: rtorres@industrydive.com.

Stay safe,

Roberto Torres
Reporter, CIO Dive
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