April 23 - Fed: Stimulus checks to bring businesses limited boost | Twitter CFO on strategy vs. operations
April 23, 2021
Twitter CFO: Don't let strategy drown out operations; Johnson & Johnson stronger today than pre-pandemic, CFO says; REPAY's 2019 SPAC deal enabled leadership to control own destiny; Rising number of IRS corporate audits end in 'no change': tax expert
How does financial transparency impact employee effectiveness and confidence in company performance? We asked 600 employees what they think. See the results.
Households have channeled federal stimulus checks primarily towards savings or reducing debt, giving businesses just a limited lift from consumer spending, according to the Fed.
Despite the setback with its COVID-19 vaccine, the company has seen sales across its product lines increase almost 8%, Joseph Wolk said as the biopharma giant shared its first quarter results Tuesday.
Companies have outgunned IRS auditors with high-paid accountants and attorneys, pushing up the number of audits that result in no change to tax filings, tax experts say.
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