June 15 - Spring enrollment in 6 charts | 2 Philly colleges vote to merge
June 15, 2021
2 Philadelphia universities vote for merger plan; Daily Roundup: Other news from around higher ed; Did COVID-19 spur bigger changes to how colleges run sports?
Research confirms that they need creativity, critical thinking, creative problem-solving, and collaboration skills to succeed in the modern workforce. See how.
Note from the editor
Hello. I'm the new senior editor at Higher Ed Dive, Rick Seltzer.
I'm arriving after several years covering finance and leadership at Inside Higher Ed, first as a reporter and then as an editor. Before that, I dedicated my career to business journalism.
My favorite part of covering the finance and leadership beats is how they touch every part of the higher education enterprise. To report on the flows of money, mission and motivation in the hypercompetitive higher education market, journalists need to understand everything from state policy to student success to the academic job market — just as decision-makers must understand the complexities and interconnections of the campuses they lead.
Higher Ed Dive's team has already been providing deep reporting and insight into what developing stories mean to you, your employees and your students. We're going to continue that great work while striving to do even better.
Higher Ed Dive provides in-depth journalism and insight into the most impactful news and trends shaping higher education. The newsletters and website cover topics such as online learning, policy, legal, leadership, enrollment and more. Higher Ed Dive is a leading publication operated by Industry Dive. Our business journalists spark ideas and shape agendas for 10+ million decision-makers in competitive industries.
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