

July 6 - Hybrid: 12 rules to follow | IT overwhelmed


Daily Dive

July​ 6,​ 2021 | Today's news and insights for tech leaders

Note from the editor

Businesses are operating in the inbetween. Some are full-time remote, others are in-person and a large contingent have hybrid operations.

Hybrid is the business strategy du jour, one which leaves employees and executives with more questions than answers. Many are uncertain of timelines for returning to the office and others are wondering if a return is mandatory after all.

One thing is certain: CIOs and other IT decision-makers have to sort out the technology configuration to create a flexible model that supports the workforce and business in a variety of settings. It's a world they're well-versed in. The mix of cloud or on-premise configurations found in hybrid cloud means businesses can find the infrastructure setup that works best for their organization, one that caters to the near- and long-term.

The same strategic finessing is required for CIOs in a hybrid work world. Managing a flexible technology stack — in an era of heightened cybersecurity concerns — requires close attention to staff and the investment of additional resources.

This month, CIO Dive is digging into all things hybrid, with a series of articles dedicated to the challenges and opportunities it presents, starting with a story on rules for hybrid teams, and another on the overwhelming aspects of managing remote work. Stay tuned for hybrid-centric articles each week this month.

Thanks for reading,

Naomi Eide
Sr. Editor, CIO Dive and Cybersecurity Dive
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