

Sept. 21 - Do hiring tests discriminate? | 4 takeaways from ACT Expo


Daily Dive

Sept.​ 21,​ 2021 | Today's news and insights for transport leaders

Note from the editor

Hello from Atlanta! I'm at the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals Edge conference — and yesterday I hosted a session on autonomous trucking with J.B. Hunt and Waymo.

I asked J.B. Hunt Chief Sustainability Officer Craig Harper and Waymo Head of Commercialization for Trucking Charlie Jatt something I think about every time I write an article about AVs: Why should stakeholders care right now? We all know widespread adoption is far off. Is there even anything trucking companies can do at this point?

For Harper, it's all about staying ahead of the curve. Autonomous trucks are coming. J.B. Hunt and Waymo already partnered to move freight. You don't want to fall behind, he said. And he and Jatt agreed that one of the best things stakeholders can do right now is stay up to date and educated on AV developments.

I want Transport Dive to help you with that. If there are any topics you want to learn more about, AVs or otherwise, let me know.

Take care,

S.L. Fuller
Editor, Transport Dive
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