

Weekender: Vietnam closures push retailers to shift tactics, suppliers ahead of the holidays



Sept.​ 18,​ 2021 | A roundup of this week's most read stories

Note from the editor

I have some exciting news to share with you, as one of our subscribers.

We're launching a new, weekly newsletter for logistics managers on Wednesday, Sept. 22. (Sign up here.)

If you're interested in reading a recap of the week's logistics news, or fresh insights on the last mile, network shifts, logtech and trends in the different modes of transportation, this is the newsletter for you.

Sign up today to have the first newsletter delivered straight to your inbox.

Edwin Lopez
Senior Editor, Supply Chain Dive
Twitter | elopez@industrydive.com

P.S. By the way, we also have an Operations Weekly and Procurement Weekly, if that's more your function. Sign up, or refer a colleague by forwarding this link: https://www.supplychaindive.com/signup/insiders/?signup_referred_by=5f93078d7aa51972095c9316


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