Nov. 2 - Trump SPAC partner may have violated pre-IPO planning curb | ESG 'make-or-break' factor for leading investors
November 02, 2021
ESG 'make-or-break' factor for leading investors: PwC; CFOs responding to inflation by raising prices, earnings calls show; Shift makes it easier for FTC to block acquisitions; Third-party vs. in-house functions: a CFO checklist
New survey reveals an unambiguous conclusion: The world, businesses and corporate finance teams have entered a new era, and there's no going back. Read more.
The former president and the SPAC CEO are said to have discussed a deal before the blank-check company was registered, although some analysts say the issue isn't that simple, The New York Times reports.
Most investors want companies to demonstrate a commitment to sustainability but would not tolerate a reduction in returns of more than one percentage point, PwC said.
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