Hi ,
New release : IronXL 2023.7.4 Released
Features & Upgrades : https://www.nuget.org/packages/IronXL.Excel/2023.7.4
Release Notes :
- Adds the GetMergedRegions method, which is used to retrieve a list of merged regions.
- Fixes a bug where the Clear method did not delete all worksheets in the collection.
- Fixes a bug where the InsertColumn method skip the last row.
- Fixes a bug where the Range.ToDataTable method wolud stop converting when it encountered an empty row.
- Adds RemoveColumn method group to Range, RangeRow, RangeColumn, Worksheet.
- InsertColumn method group will now correctly shift the columns out of the way, updating the formulas and moving styles with the cells.
- Improves performance time-wise by 20-25% in some cases of bulk data manupulation.
- Deprecates the Range.AllRowsInRange and Range.AllColumnsInRange properties, use Range.Rows and Range.Columns instead. This is also true for the WorkSheet, RangeRow and RangeColumn classes.
- WorkSheet's internal working range will now correctly update with all changes made to the worksheet.
- WorkSheet's internal working range will now include the empty columns at the end of the range which hold any styling information.
- Fixed numerous bugs in Range.Trim method, including a bug where Trim would not trim empty columns.
- Range.RemoveColumn and Range.RemoveRow methods will now ALAWAYS remove the column/row entirely from the sheet, shifting up/to the left the rows/columns located below/to the right of the removed ones, if after the removal the column/row is empty.
- Adds Range.Count property, which returns the number of cells in the range without iterating over all cells.
- Changes the Range.ColumnCount and Range.RowCount properties to return the number of columns/rows in the range without iterating over all cells.
- Improves documentation for Range class and its heirs.
- InsertRow and InsertColumn methods will now return the inserted row/column. Same for InsertRows and InsertColumns methods but these will return lists of inserted columns/rows.
- Range's address will now be correctly updated when the range is changed (with Trim/Insert/Remove/Subtract methods).
- Adds WorkSheet.RangeAddress property with the address of the area in use on the sheet
- Updates IronSoftware.System.Drawing to version 2023.7.1