Gain Valuable Insights from Experts on Improving Equitable Care in Atopic Dermatitis
October 24, 2023
Don't miss this chance to learn more about clinical presentations of atopic dermatitis in skin of color and strategies to improve equitable access to care.
Tune into this insightful discussion in which renowned dermatologists examine the diagnosis and treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD) in patients with skin of color. These experts will share pivotal insights gained from a recent survey of patients conducted in partnership with the Allergy & Asthma Network. They will also explore differences in the presentation of AD in darker skin types, the evolving pharmacologic landscape, and strategies to improve equitable access to care. Effective approaches to engage in shared decision-making and personalize treatment among diverse patients will also be explored.
Speaker Professor of Clinical Dermatology Vice-Chair for Diversity and Inclusion for the Department of Dermatology Weill Cornell Medical College
Angela J. Lamb, MD
Speaker Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology Medical Director, FPA Access Center System Vice Chair of Clinical Operations and Strategy, Department of Dermatology Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
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