Friday, 15 March 2024
Virtual press conference on
World TB Day
When: Monday, 18 March 2024 at 15:00/3pm CET/GMT +1
Subject: World Tuberculosis (TB) Day is observed on 24 March each year to raise awareness and understanding about one of the world’s top infectious killers and catalyze action to address its devastating health, social, and economic impact around the world. The spotlight this year, under the theme 'Yes! We can end TB!' - conveys a message of hope - that getting back-on-track to turn the tide against the TB epidemic is possible through high level leadership, increased investments, faster uptake of new WHO recommendations, adoption of innovations, accelerated action, and multisectoral collaboration. Following the commitments made by Heads of State at the UN High Level Meeting in 2023 to accelerate progress to end TB, this year's focus shifts to turning these commitments into tangible actions.
At the press briefing, WHO will release a new investment case on TB screening and prevention to help countries reach the UN target on scaling up access to TB preventive treatment. Increased access to TB preventive treatment and screening services for TB disease creates efficiencies and can lead to massive health and financial gains.
TB remains one of the world’s deadliest infectious killers causing 1.3 million deaths each year and affecting millions more, with enormous impacts on families and communities. Drug resistant TB is a pressing public health concern. Only about 2 in 5 people with drug resistant TB access care.
More information and communications material can be found at this link:
- Dr Tereza KASAEVA - Director, Global Tuberculosis Programme, World Health Organization
- Dr Saskia DEN BOON - Technical Officer – Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment, Care and Innovation Unit, Global TB Programme, WHO
- Ms Ashna ASHESH, TB Survivor, and public health professional and representative of WHO Civil Society Taskforce on TB
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