No images? Click here ![]() Thursday, 19 September 2024 MEDIA ADVISORY WHO AT CLIMATE WEEK NYC, 22-29 SEPTEMBER From 22-29 September 2024, Climate Week NYC will serve as a global platform for advancing climate action and sustainability. Bringing together world leaders, businesses, policymakers, and activists, this year’s event will focus on addressing urgent climate challenges and catalyzing solutions ahead of critical international summits. WHO will actively participate in key events, panels, and initiatives aimed at accelerating the transition to a low-carbon future, with a special focus on the intersection of health and climate. WHO experts will make it a priority to ensure that the health argument for climate action takes center stage in global discussions. They will underscore how climate change is not only an environmental issue but also a pressing health crisis, directly affecting millions of people worldwide. Rising temperatures, poor air quality, and disrupted ecosystems are contributing to the spread of infectious diseases, respiratory illnesses, and malnutrition. WHO will highlight the immediate need for robust and resilient health systems that can adapt to these climate-related health threats. Please register at the links provided below to attend the events. Only journalists accredited to the United Nations in NY can attend in person. All other media are welcome to access the events online. Spotlight on WHO events during Climate Week: 23 September, 10-11:30, Conference room 11 High Level Dialogue on Multisectoral Action Pathway for Resilience and Healthy Cities This event co-hosted by the COP29 Presidency, UN-Habitat and ICLEI, aims to inform the participants about the details of the Presidency-led “Multisectoral Actions Pathways (MAP) to Resilient and Healthy Cities” initiative. In the spirit of multilevel and multisectoral climate action, the event will present the MAP Declaration and provide brief information about the 3rd Ministerial Meeting on Urbanization and Climate which will be held on the 20th of November within the framework of the Urbanization Day at COP29. Register here: only press accredited to UNGA can attend in person. 23 September, 12:00-1pm, The Health Argument for Climate Action, UNHQ Conference room 6 High Level Dialogue on Climate change and Health, co-hosted by WHO and UAE The event “The Health Argument for Climate Action" will highlight the crucial interconnection between health and climate change, this shared impact on other sectors, as well as the health co-benefits of climate and health action. Hybrid event Register here: 25 September, 13:00 Foreign Policy Health Forum, Rockefeller Centre The event will provide an opportunity to review key decisions from COP28, to outline the health-related initiatives planned at COP29 and aspirations for COP30, as well as to call for higher ambition to accelerate concrete action and mobilize increased funding for health. Featuring representatives from United Arab Emirated, Azerbaijan and Brazil. Register here: For interviews WHO spokespersons include: · Dr Maria Neira, Director, Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health, World Health Organization · Dr Vanessa Kerry, WHO Director-General Special Envoy for health and climate change · Dr Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Team Lead, Climate Change and Health, World Health Organization. Contacts: For further information and media inquiries, please contact ![]() You are receiving this NO-REPLY email because you are included on a WHO mail list. |