

Nov. 4 - Budgets, litigation add to special ed pressure | 3 districts' antiracist approaches


K-12 daily

Nov.​ 4,​ 2020 | Today's news and insights for K-12 leaders

Note from the editor

As of press time for this morning's newsletter, there's no apparent winner yet in the 2020 presidential race. While officials continue tallying the votes, take a moment to catch up on our four-part "Rubric for Recovery" series, detailing the challenges schools have faced in serving the most marginalized students, as well as the solutions they've developed.

You can also take another look at our rundown of how President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden stack up on key K-12 issues.

In the coming days and weeks, we'll also be looking into state and local races and ballot measures with outcomes impacting public education. Know of a vote in your jurisdiction that you think could help or hurt schools? Let us know.

If you were up all night watching the news, take some time to breathe today and get some rest. We'll be here with fresh analysis and insight when you return.


Roger Riddell
Editor, Education Dive: K-12
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