May 26 - US CFOs earn vastly more than EU counterparts | Benefits of part-time work for CFOs
May 26, 2021
Working part-time can open new doors for CFOs; New data analysis may help predict pandemic recovery: AstraZeneca FP&A head; Accounting, finance grads face different road to fill CFO shoes; Target CFO: 'Theme for the quarter is growth on growth'
Enterprise silos: These sealed-off efficiency-destroyers can easily hold you back. Find out how to break down those barriers and gain finance efficiency. Read more.
The coronavirus sped up adoption of automation at AstraZeneca and generated datasets that may help forecast recovery, according to the company's FP&A director.
New entrants to the business world are expected to bring data analytics, risk management, cybersecurity and business modeling to the table, say academic specialists.
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