

May 28 - As the earnings cycle ends, what are big fleets doing?


Daily Dive

May​ 28,​ 2021 | Today's news and insights for transport leaders

Note from the editor

When it comes to earnings calls, my favorite part is the Q&A. Here are two excerpts from a transcript of Werner's latest call that caught my attention:

Deutsche Bank analyst: "I was just wondering if ... given your elevation to chairman of the company, whether that changes the M&A strategy."

CEO Derek Leathers: "Yes, there's probably a shift in our tolerance to be aggressive. There's a shift in our tolerance to look to return value to shareholders in all forms. And that is something that I think over time you'll see play out."

That was just a tidbit from the presentation (you can read about the bigger takeaways here). But it's interesting, as the firm has historically been conservative in this area. We'll be keeping an eye on that.

Today's newsletter is a roundup of some of our biggest headlines from the latest earnings cycle, made up of tidbits. What topics are you most interested in hearing executives speak about during the next cycle? Send me an email, and let me know.

We're taking a publishing break Monday for Memorial Day, so we'll be back in your inbox Tuesday.

Take care,

S.L. Fuller
Editor, Transport Dive
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