Physicians need to speak the same language when talking about—and addressing—how factors outside the clinical walls affect patients' health. Learn more.
"It'll turn faster than it did in the fall in terms of case count, so you won't have much time to get ready," Steve Edwards, CEO of CoxHealth, said as his Missouri system struggles to meet patient demand.
Ghost networks, provider directories that list out-of-network physicians as in-network, cause consumers to think their coverage is more comprehensive than it actually is and can make access to care even more difficult.
Avalere found that independent doctors are becoming increasingly rare in the U.S., which should raise alarms, according to a coalition of state medical societies. It's urging Congress to act.
With the buy, the payer is doubling down on its government business, which fueled the majority of its enrollment growth last year as COVID-19 pummeled the country.
The rule barring hospitals from receiving higher reimbursements for outpatient services compared to other providers was widely challenged, but now stands with the high court's decision.
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