

Grow and Go Organic

Many mainstream retailers like Wal-Mart and Kroger offer some organic options, but many consumers do not consider buying organic at all because of the perception of high prices and lack of understanding of what organic means. Growth in the organic food sector is slow and steady, but younger generations are pulling out their growing wallets and seeking brands that align with their environmental values.
National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day was recently celebrated on August 4th, by bakers all across the country. Chocolate chip cookies have come a long way since their debut in the 1930’s, and famous name brands across the globe have given the nostalgic treat their own twist, including adding protein! Manildra's portfolio of GemPro® proteins can help you level up your chocolate chip cookie today. 
At Manildra, we offer native, modified, and pregelatinized starches that suit a variety of applications. Our GemStar® wheat starches include both unmodified and modified starches made from native wheat starch, and our GemGel® pregelatinized wheat starches include both modified and unmodified options as well. 
Get in touch with our applications team to learn how wheat proteins can improve texture, nutrition, and processing in your application.
Wheat is what we do. With specialized starches, powerful proteins, and the finest gluten available, Manildra has the ingredients you need.

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