No images? Click here Friday, 5 January 2024 | Issue 236 1 January- 31 December 2024 50th anniversary of the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) The Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI), an initiative launched by the World Health Organization in 1974, stands as a global endeavor to ensure equitable access to life-saving vaccines for every child, regardless of their geographic location or socioeconomic status. Over the past five decades, the EPI has evolved and achieved remarkable milestones that reshaped the global health landscape. The 50th anniversary of EPI in 2024 provides a pivotal occasion to celebrate the programme's achievements, highlight its impact on lives saved, and catalyze renewed efforts to strengthen routine immunization initiatives. 1 November 2023 – 31 January 2024 Launch of the 5th call for short films by the Health for All Film Festival #Film4Health The fifth Health for All Film Festival (HAFF) official selection of about 90 short films will be presented to the public in April 2024 via the WHO YouTube channel and WHO Health for All Film Festival homepage. Winners from this selection will be announced by mid-May 2024. As for each previous edition, WHO invites public institutions, nongovernmental organizations, communities of patients and health workers, students in public health, and film schools from all around the world to submit their original short films. This 5th edition of the Health for All Film Festival (HAFF) sheds light on the impact of migration and displacement on the physical health, mental health, and well-being of migrants and refugees with a "Special Migrants and Refugees Health Film Prize". It also brings to the fore the benefits of physical activity in the prevention and better treatment of many diseases with a "Special Film Prize on Physical Activity and Health". The details about health themes are explained in the “How to apply” page, and further information is available at 1- 31 January 2024 Cervical Cancer Awareness Month January is the Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. The world is on the path to eliminate cervical cancer, a disease largely preventable through vaccination against the human papillomavirus (HPV), and early and effective screening and treatment of the disease. Success requires all partners to work together to remove the inequities that deny women and girls in all countries access to these life-saving tools. WHO reaffirms its commitment to a world free of this avoidable disease through the Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative, by calling for continued expansion of vaccination, screening & treatment. More information can be found here: Sign up for our newsletters here. Check out the WHO series, Science in 5. Access WHO photos available for media use here. WHO Media contacts: You are receiving this NO-REPLY email because you are included on a WHO mail list. |