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Note from the editor
Ring the gong, it's budget season.
As the fiscal year winds down for many, businesses have to factor in new budget constraints. There's a recession, and the cliche "do more with less" ideology is becoming ubiquitous. To top it off, the pandemic has not let up and an election is creating market uncertainty.
CIO Dive is taking time this month to highlight how organizations are balancing technology budgets and carving out resources for innovation.
Each week, we will run an article dedicated to the topic. To kickoff, CIO Dive's first piece highlights spending traps to avoid. We've also included recent coverage from the Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo on cost-cutting tips.
IT spending happens to be a favorite topic of mine (oddly, that's not a joke); if you have tips, strategies or grievances about the process, email me directly at
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